Give your existing concrete the look of real wood flooring! Our Rustic Wood concrete resurfacing finish is quickly becoming the topic of conversation in the whole state of Louisiana. . . for plenty of reasons. Great for exterior or interior spaces, this faux wood option is much better than comparable materials.
Benefits of Concrete Wood![]()
- Indoor / Outdoor Installations
- Durability
- Unlimited Color Selections
- Waterproof – not affected by floods
- Perfect for installation over heated slab floors
- Great For big pets
- Environmentally Friendly & Sustainable
Don't worry about moisture or weakness like you'll have with laminate-type surfaces. Our cementitious coating is as tough as petrified wood and can permanently transform the look of any garage, living/family room, patio, porch, showroom, or commercial location. Great for any space, including restaurant flooring and garage floors with high vehicle traffic!
Contact us today for a FREE quote at your home or business – we’ll be happy to explain the process and benefits of Concrete Resurfacing!
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